On the Spot: Upcoming Twitter Spaces Discussion With CardanoSpot
We are thrilled to announce an upcoming Twitter Spaces discussion with Cardano Spot as the co-founders of Foreon Network, @cardanomoto and @cardanoboss, who are paving the way for blockchain-based prediction markets on Cardano.
Inviting you to the Conversation on Cryptocurrency and Prediction Markets
Foreon Network, a pioneering prediction market platform being built on the Cardano blockchain, has been making waves in the cardano ecosystem with its innovative approach to crowd-sourced predictions.
On 14th June, at 4 PM UTC, we will delve deep into the landscape of prediction markets with Cardano Spot, discussing how blockchain technology is transforming this area.
Our team will share invaluable insights, talking about their vision, the driving philosophy behind their venture, and how they are leveraging the power of Cardano to create a more equitable prediction market platform.
This conversation is open to everyone, from our community to blockchain enthusiasts and to seasoned investors, and this space provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to interact directly with the minds behind this groundbreaking venture.
Spaces Link: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lPKqBVmZpnGb?s=20
Foreon NFT Offering Is Still On-Going
Over 25 NFTs minted so far!
Visit https://foreon.network/mint to mint your Foreon NFTs.
(Remember, you must be whitelisted to participate.)
Each Foreon NFT is redeemable for 12,500 $FRN tokens.
Not yet whitelisted?
Simply click the ‘get whitelisted’ button, read through our pitch deck, and voila, you’re automatically whitelisted.
Afterwards, reload https://foreon.network/mint and input the email you used to access the pitch deck.
Here’s a quick rundown of our Foreon NFT Offering:
🗓️ Start Date: 29th May, 2023, 5PM UTC
🗓️ End Date: 13th July, 2023, 5PM UTC
🎟️ Total NFT Supply: 80 Foreon NFT Chips
💰 Mint Price: 10,000 ADA 🎒 Max Allocation Per Wallet: 5 NFTs
🪙 $FRN Token Allocation for Private Seed Round: 1,000,000 (10%)
Early birds get rewarded with a 10% $FRN bonus for the first 40 mints!
Stay tuned for more updates and developments in our thriving community!
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